As a result of the current global recession, which has hit industry particularly hard, many potential participants have been unable to sign up for the Cumbre Industrial (“Industry Summit”) event, a technology fair with three sub-events under the names Subcontratación, Automatización and Trasmet, which was scheduled to take place in September this year. New dates It is not therefore possible to assure an event of the standard, quality and size required by the Bilbao Exhibition Centre to (…)
The Eurotec Newsletter
Machining of PEEK parts
PolyEtherEtherKetone, known by the acronym PEEK, is a thermostable semi-crystalline polymer having properties that enable it to replace metal. It is used in lumbar surgery for the production of "disc/cage implants" (spacers) designed to replace damaged or unstable spinal discs. Different spacer sizes enable the surgeon to adapt the operation to the patient’s anatomy. Since PEEK is a radiolucent material (invisible to X-rays), two tantalum markers are inserted in the implant to allow precise, (…)
GEOID diamond-wear compensation
Grinding wheel profiles cannot be exactly dressed without the use of a geometrically-perfect dressing tool. Even new diamonds are not always perfect. World news At the Schleifring Grinding Symposium 2009, Blohm Jung presented for the first time ever under the expression GEOID a new development for compensation of contour faults in dressing tools. GEOID was developed in concert with the Georg Simon Ohm University in Nuremberg. The software for compensation of uneven wear in dressing tools (…)
A good idea from a guy that travels a lot
Amongst the feed-back received on Eurotec and the blog, a guy (thank you Willi) that travels a lot gave me the idea to share some experiences about hotels, restaurants or anything that may be of interest for others that travel. I find it a good idea. Next to Stuttgart Back from Control, I want to share the hotel experiment I had there with you. I went to Neuffen at about 20 minutes from the show ground and frankly it’s a place to go if you are on a show in Stuttgart. The place is called (…)
Trade show
Very good contacts…
I was in Stuttgart at the control show. I discussed with a lot of companies and people (thank to them for the nice welcome on their booths) and all in all the feeling is positive! Actual projects According to people there, maybe the number of visitors was not as high as it could have been in normal time, but the quality was really there. I was told that there are actually projects in the air and that the outcome of the show would not only be nice memories but business. Professional show (…)
World class supplier close to Istanbul
When you type ["Turkey"-> on Internet you arrive quickly to websites that emphasize the beauty of the country and all the holiday possibilities. With its slogan Turkey welcomes you, the Turkish tourism office do a great job. But Turkey is also an industrial country that has nothing to be jealous of other countries. We went to Gebze/Kocaeli, at about 80 km from Istanbul International Airport to meet a Tornos customer, Cengiz Makina. Ms Cigdem Calvez, Plant (…)
How to use the potential of process optimization
It is time to go further in process optimization. Nowadays, nobody can just produce. It is necessary to reduce cost of tooling and machines as well as to increase productivity and improve processes. Professional days Mapal, Chiron and Motorex organise a two-day seminar on that topic. June 2, 2009 in German and June 3, 2009 in French in Langenthal. You can download the invitation here. The programme is as follow: 8:30 am : Coffee 9:00 am : Welcome and presentation of the speaker 9:15 am (…)
Trade show
Watchmaking and microtechnologies in focus.
As the ever-expanding show is full, the exhibitors are preparing themselves for business. They are getting ready to experience four intense but convivial days, under the watchful eye of a robot from Mars… This show represents the big event before the arrival of watches in the autumn marketplace, before the first deliveries. After the large watch fairs in the spring showcasing the brands and their products, the EPHJ (Environnement Professionnel Horlogerie Joaillerie) brings together the (…)
General about Eurotec
First step in the so-called war...
...between paper and computers. Good afternoon, It is obvious for everyone that electronic information arrives at full speed and some people say that the era of paper magazines is behind. Some other think that paper and electronic can (and will) live together for years. What do you think? [polldaddy poll=1589795] Good day py
General about Eurotec
Eurotec articles on the blog
Dear readers, I’ve pottered quite a lot on the content of the blog and I’m happy to announce that the articles of Eurotec are now available in three languages on the "articles" page. There you can (re)discover every article published in Eurotec starting January 2009. It is another way to communicate and obviously that chapter of the blog doesn’t reduce the importance of the paper issue that groups everything on a convenient magazine. Nevertheless if you’re looking for a precise topic, (…)