Today was a special day for about 30 Swiss customers of MW Programmation, the exclusive reseller of Alphacam in Switzerland and Austria. Why? Simply because as more than 200 persons before, we (yes I had the luck to be there) had a full day of discovering of the new version.
MW Programmation Active since the stone-age of CNC (1986) this company is not only selling Alphacam but offers complete solutions like DNC, training, programming for customers, development of special modules and much more. This year they decided to promote the new version organizing "discovering days" and it’s a great success as, all in all, about 250 specialists came there to learn about version 8 and DNC software from MW.
Alphacam – Version 8 This new completely integrated CAD/CAM software solution includes advanced new features. It is designed to offer businesses enhanced productivity, exceptional reliability and additional flexibility. Version 8 has been significantly restructured and the software now has four levels of feature sets, these are Essential, Standard, Advanced and Ultimate. Programming complex shapes has never been so easy.
Personalized post-processors and more One of the asset of the company is to house developers that can create tailored post-processors and/or field oriented solutions like special watch industry modules for example. The company not only sells Alphacam but develops and assure services, that’s a huge difference.
In a next issue of Eurotec you will be able to discover more about MW Programmation and Alphacam 8.
Meanwhile if you’re in Switzerland or Austria you can contact MW at the address below or try their new website (still under construction, French only so far). Want to know more about Alphacam? Try Alphacam Home.
MWPROGRAMMATIONSA Rue Charles Schäublin 2 Case postale 242 CH-2735 Malleray T. +41 32 491 65 30 F. +41 32 491 65 35