
Applitec – New 2015-2017 catalogue

January 2015

The new Applitec catalogue has been completely revised, both in the design and presentation of the items. The many new features offered by Applitec, a company at the cutting edge of technology, to its dealership network and customers are now given a perfect showcase.

In total, 9 product ranges are presented in the new 2015-2017 catalogue. It offers 3 more ranges than the old catalogue.

TOP-Watch – Chapter 1 This complements the TOP-Line range. The TOP-Watch programme is constantly evolving, and developing in collaboration with customers, watchmaking manufactures and watchmaking subcontractors. The specific geometries and coatings of the TOP-Watch range enabling machining of very small parts (D < 0.05 mm) made from the new materials used in watchmaking. TOP-Watch is a major range on the Swiss market.

TRIO-Line – Chapter 2 The TRIO-Line range is a set of tool holders and 3-cut inserts, based on a Y teeth seat concept, which guarantees rigidity and positioning with one-screw clamping. The TX geometry of TRIO-Line is a set of groove inserts for circlips, as per standards DIN6799 and DIN471.

MICRO-Line – Chapter 8 The dynamic range of hard metal tools with Applitec cylindrical tails. A mirror polish finish, more precise straightness and concentricity than the standard mean that micro-mills, micro-drills, centring devices and milling cutters mounted on MICRO-Line are particularly appreciated in very high-precision micro-milling. MICRO-Line has opened up the way for Applitec into the micro-mechanics sector.

There are several new items supplementing the company’s other product ranges:

ECO-Line – Chapter 3 The high-quality economic range from Applitec.

ISO-Line – Chapter 4 Complementing the Applitec tool holders and inserts, offering a host of cutting geometries and grades. All the items have had their references redesignated based on the standard.

CUT-Line – Chapter 5 Excellence in precision sectioning. Tool holders with perfect seating, for optimum clamping of the insert, with solutions that can cut to diameters of 65 mm.

MODU-Line – Chapter 6 Nine pages of the new catalogue are devoted to base supports and insert holders for Tornos machines. Four of which for SwissNano, and one for Swiss ST26

TOOLING-Line – Chapter 7 A complementary set for MICRO-Line, including knurl holders and left and right-handed MD knurls, D 8.00 to 20.00 mm.

CIRCO-Line – Chapter 9 Extra-fine, fine, coarse and special teeth, for the Applitec hard metal circular milling cutters programme. From Ø 8 mm to Ø 160 mm, with front or rear-clamped mill holding chucks.

Applitec Moutier SA Swiss Tooling Chemin Nicolas-Junker 2 CH-2740 Moutier Tel. +41 32 494 60 20 Fax: +41 32 493 42 60 [email protected]


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