
Automated die positioning increases bending machine productivity

April 2014

Hannover Messe Day 5 - Production in the metalworking industry has become increasingly hectic. Contractors and production departments must produce parts in smaller lot sizes and at a faster pace. Today I’ve discovered components to help machines manufacturer being more efficient.

Trumpf is the world‘s leading producer of machine tools for the metalworking industry, and they have responded to the plight of their customers by offering machine design innovations that improve productivity and efficiency.

Their TruBend Series 5000 bending machine, for instance, is a press brake that includes an optical positioning aid making it easier to switch to a new part geometry. This machine also includes an automatic angle measurement system that helps operators maintain desired geometries, beginning with the very first part.

A complete process Press brakes bend metal by vertically pushing a punch into a v-shaped die. This deforms the sheet metal located between the punch and die, thus creating an angular bend. Taking a piece of sheet metal that has previously been bent to a 30° angle and placing it between two flat punches creates a fold. A typical production application will require dies be repositioned to change between the bend and the fold function. Repositioning dies quickly is not the only concern – positioning must also be as accurate as possible to maintain quality of the parts produced. Trumpf has achieved quick and precise positioning with Halstrup-Walcher GmbH positioning systems „LPE“.

Positioning systems for nearly all applications Two of these precision powerhouses (“powerhouses” because they have to generate up to 1000 N of lifting power) position the heavy lower tools to within 0.05 mm – and in just seconds. Keeping the die from tipping is crucial, which is achieved by the parallel positioning systems being well synchronized.Not only are these positioning systems designed for precision and efficiency—long product life is always a goal as well, ensuring superior reliability of the entire machine as it turns out precise metal bending products even after 10 or 15 years.

To be discovered at Hannover Messe today on the Hall 15, Stand F36.





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