
Automation as a productivity factor

October 2013

From the pallet changer to the integrated robot system – the automation solutions from HLS Hermle Leibinger Systemtechnik GmbH convert CNC machining centres into highly productive flexible manufacturing systems.

RS 05 robot system adapted to a C 20 U 5-axis machining centre; the automation solution on 2 m2 is predestined for medical engineering and precision engineering.

With its extensive product and service range of CNC high performance machining centres, the medium-sized technology company Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG has already managed to establish itself across the globe. In order to be able to guarantee the advantages of efficient part machining for the customers/users including in the form of competitive productivity, Hermle AG offers not only high-performance machines, but also individually adapted automation peripherals for workpiece management.

Automated production Assuming that in the future not only mass production, but also batch production and single-part production will need to run automatically, the subsidiary HLS Hermle Leibinger Systemtechnik GmbH with its offices in Tuttlingen was founded in 1998. The specialist team at HLS currently includes 80 members of staff and takes care of the development, production and integration of magazines, handling technology and material flow systems for workpiece handling in the field of machining centres. The focus is always on the automation of Hermle machining centres, but on request machines tools from other manufacturers and above all other technologies (finishes, cleaning, testing) can also be integrated in the systems.

Important points

We will come back on this complete solution and detail these points in one of Eurotec’s next issue. Do you want to be informed when it’s released? Just send us an e-mail at [email protected] or you can subscribe online here.

Robot system with two pallet magazines when loading a 5-axis high-performance machining centre (the anterior wall of the protective housing has been removed for clarity).

. Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG Industriestraße 8-12 D-78559 Gosheim Tél. +49 7426 95-0 Fax +49 7426 95-6110 [email protected] .



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