
"baseline" – a new product line for new Chiron customers

August 2013

Chiron will show a world première and further pioneering innovations at the EMO from September 16 to 20 in Hanover. Chiron’s exhibition area will be in hall 12, stand B 84.

News at EMO: The new 26 series stands for horizontal machining, productivity and high-performance cutting. Series 24, which is also new, features vertical machining with a spindle clearance of up to 600 mm and a drum workpiece changing system. This means highly productive machining in series production for larger components. The "baseline" product line single-spindle machines designed for manufacturers of small and medium series rounds off the parade of innovations. Let’s see the later in details:

"baseline" – a new product line for new Chiron customers With its new "baseline" product line consisting of seven appealing single-spindle models, Chiron provides its customers with an inexpensive entry into the proven technology of its precision "Made in Germany" machining centers. A model that will be exhibited at the EMO is the "FZ15W baseline", a compact centre with the HSK-63 tool taper and a workpiece changing device for loading and unloading during machining.

The “small” Chiron to start with… The "baseline" machines are completely preconfigured, universally and flexibly usable, true Chiron machining centers. Chiron is primarily interested in addressing manufacturers of small and medium-sized lots in various industries. Each of the "baseline" models is designed with the experience, quality and know-how derived from series production. In addition, Chiron offers a prompt replacement-part and repair service – which is standard in large-series production. All seven "baseline" models have one spindle and some are also available in a 5-axis design with the control variants Heidenhain or Siemens. All models are available for quick delivery.

Chiron-Werke GmbH & Co. KG Kreuzstraße 75, D-78532 Tuttlingen, Rainer Volker Gondek, Director of Marketing and Advertising Phone: +49 (0) 7461 - 940-3822, Fax: +49 (0) 74 61 - 940-8822 [email protected]





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