In this interactive platform, the company invites you to share your questions, requests and experiences with Alicona. Users, metrologists, other company’s fans, interested people and the worldwide Alicona team can view product relevant data, discuss interests with other members or read about company events. By participating you can easily stay on top of the latest changes in metrology. Knowledge at our disposal To have access to important data about Alicona systems 24/7, to get direct (…)
Topics / Control
Infrared camera with Industrial Mini PC for process optimisation
Optris® PI NetBox is a miniature PC for the PI series of infrared cameras. It upgrades the optris PI products to stand-alone solutions or acts as USB to Ethernet adapter. This permits to implement longer distances between the process proper (PI camera) and the process monitoring system (PC). The superiority of this concept stands out specifically in high-temperature applications: fitted with a cooling jacket the PI camera can be installed local to the process and connected to the NetBox via (…)
Measuring with InfiniteFocusSL webinar : it is today
InfiniteFocusSL is a cost efficient optical 3D profile measurement system for easy, fast and traceable 3D measurement of form and finish on precision manufactured surfaces. In addition, color images with both high contrast and depth of focus are provided. . InfiniteFocusSL. Date: April 4th, 2013 Time: 10:00 am or 2:30 pm GMT Duration: 30 minutes presentation, live chat If you are interested in this webinar but unable to attend – register all the same. You will receive a link to the (…)
Scalable functional safety architecture for CNC machine builders
NUM has released a sophisticated system-wide functional safety architecture for its CNC system, providing an exceptionally scalable solution that can be applied very easily to almost any type of machine tool - regardless of complexity or number of axes. Known as NUMSafe, it includes a dedicated safety PLC, safe input and output modules, and digital servo drives with built-in safe motion monitoring. It is compatible with NUM’s new-generation Flexium+ CNC platform. According to NUM’s Chief (…)
Innovative servomotors slash CNC machine building costs
NUM announces two new brushless servomotor ranges for CNC machinery applications which provide major savings by eliminating the need for a separate encoder cable. Machine builders can now use a single drive-to-motor cable for each motion axis, thereby reducing cabling, speeding installation/commissioning, and improving system performance. NUM estimates that for a typical high-end CNC machine installation involving 20 meters cable lengths, the new technology can reduce total motor cabling (…)
Unique CNC platform provides machine tool manufacturers with almost unlimited configuration flexibility
Today, Num launches a new generation of its CNC platform, providing machine tool manufacturers with an exceptionally flexible and scalable solution for safe control of machine tools. Flexium+ software includes powerful tools for machine setup, optimisation and diagnostics, such as ballbar testing of interpolated axes. Known as Flexium+, the modular safety-equipped platform enables OEMs to standardise on a single cost- and performance-optimised CNC architecture for a vast spectrum of (…)
New standards in digital surface profile measurement
Fast, tough and accurate the new Elcometer 224 is available in a range of models with either integral or separate probe options to suit the customers’ application. Each probe is supplied with a hard wearing tungsten carbide, user replaceable, tip which can be used for up to 20,000 readings. Packed full of a wide range of new features, the new Elcometer 224 digital surface profile gauges are even more powerful, reliable and easier to use than ever before. Impact, dust and waterproof (…)
Aubert inside…
All computer users are familiar with the famous "Intel inside" label found on many computers. For more than 50 years, Marcel Aubert the company located in Bienne installs embedded optical measurements systems on many types of machine tools, to the point that if an "Aubert inside" distinction would exist, we would see it in the workshops all around the world. Meeting with Mr. Fleury, technical manager and Terzini, responsible for marketing and commercial. The company provides different (…)
Maximizes efficiency for Vickers and Knoop hardness testing
The Wilson Hardness Tukon™ 3100 is a newly developed single indenter Vickers-Knoop hardness tester from ITW Test & Measurement, Esslingen/Germany, specifically designed to maximize efficiency, accuracy and usability. The new Wilson Hardness Tukon™ 3100 Micro-Hardness Tester has been specifically designed to maximize efficiency and optimize usability for Vickers and Knoop hardness testing. The device advanced microscope quality optics, patent pending safety collision control, high (…)
Aiming at error-free production
Let’s carry on our discoveries of all the interesting products and solutions presented at Hannover Messe last Week. NanoFocus AG exhibited 3D surface metrology systems for optimal quality assurance. Optimal quality assurance in production by NanoFocus. NanoFocus AG, developer and manufacturer of optical 3D surface measurement systems and software for the characterization of technical surfaces, presented its optical 3D measurement systems. The high-resolution surface analysis tools are (…)