The Siemens Sinumerik CNC controllers have been getting the maximum productivity out of each machine for over 50 years. Now they have another partner on their side: the Hainbuch Testit software. It is available on a data carrier for installation on Siemens CNC controllers [Sinumerik 840 D sl plus PCU50]. This means that a separate laptop is not needed anymore and manufacturing with “theoretical clamping forces” is also a thing of the past.

Thanks to Testit, the operator always knows which clamping forces exist and where, and the actual maintenance status of the clamping device. And given the safety standard DIN EN 1550, it is a “must have”. This means: The Testit clamping force gauge together with the Siemens CNC controller executes a target-actual comparison of the maintenance status of a clamping device. If the limit values are underranged, a warning message is output. Perfect, don’t you think?
Safe results - even with mandrels The globalization of markets requires an optimum of the machining process. Those who face stiff competition can no longer afford to manufacture just by “feeling”. Measurement data is demanded! It not only functions perfectly for outer diameters and during rotation, it also precisely measures the holding force of mandrels for inner diameters.
Key advantages: Clamping force measurement for O.D. and I.D. clamping Can be used rotating and for stationary applications Direct input onto the Siemens CNC controller
Hainbuch GmbH • Spannende Technik Erdmannhäuser Str. 57 . 71672 Marbach Germany Tel. +49 7144.907-219

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