Additive manufacturing

Complex 3D components with powder nozzle or in a powder bed

August 2017

DMG Mori will be highlighting key generative production processes. The company sees itself as a complete supplier both for the additive manufacturing of metal components and in post-processing.

With the Lasertec 3D and Lasertec SLM series, DMG Mori is setting itself up as a full-line provider in the additive manufacturing. DMG Mori points out that it is successful on the market in additive manufacturing with laser deposition welding using a powder nozzle. Selective laser melting in a powder bed is now expanding the product portfolio. As the company explains, it is demonstrating its integral competence by bringing together the key generative manufacturing processes under one roof and sees itself as a full-line provider in both the additive manufacturing of metallic components and in post-processing. The Lasertec 3D and SLM series are considered the cornerstones of the strategic orientation in this future technology. Whereas the Lasertec 3D hybrid successfully combines laser deposition welding by means of powder nozzle and five-axis milling, the Lasertec SLM series stands for selective laser melting in a powder bed. Both technologies are said to complement each other ideally in the product range. According to the manufacturers, they attach particular importance to the powder bed process, which has a market share of 80 percent where the additive manufacturing of metallic components is concerned. The latest innovation stages of the two processes will be presented at EMO Hannover 2017, integrated in continuous process chains.

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