
Ferromatik Milacron goes on tour

February 2013

From February through April, 2013 two Ferromatik Milacron injection molding machines will be touring Europe. The travelling exhibition will make stops at local offices in Spain, Italy, Denmark, and the UK.

Every three years Ferromatik Milacron exhibits at the K-Show in Dusseldorf, and 2013 is no exception. This year the injection molding machine manufacturer plans to augment the industry event with its own travelling roadshow, including a hybrid F 80 and an all-electric Elektron 50. The machines will spend several days in each country in the technical centers of local offices in Spain, Italy, Denmark, and the UK. Visitors will get a chance to see demonstrations of medical and consumer goods applications, along with expert presentations.

See the F 80 producing syringe protectors The modular F-Series can be configured as an all-electric, hydraulic, or hybrid machine. The F 80 on the tour has been set up as a hybrid machine: clamping and plasticizing are electrically-driven, while ejection, carriage movement, and injection itself are powered by hydraulics. The machine has a clamping force of 800 kN. It is equipped with an Advanced Performance APh 40 injection unit, and offers 470 x 470 mm tie-bar spacing. It features a 64-cavity mold from Schöttli, based in Diessenhofen, Switzerland, and will demonstrate the production of syringe protectors with a cycle time of 5.8 seconds. The parts have a shot weight of 41.6 grams.

The Elektron 50 manufacturing toy building blocks using biomaterial This roadshow will mark the debut of the second-generation Elektron in Spain, Italy, Denmark, and the UK. This all-electric machine series boasts a sleek new look and brand-new controls. The touring Elektron 50 with 500 kN clamping force will be outfitted with an international size 120 injection unit and will produce toy building blocks on a 20-cavity mold made by B & K Kunststoffwerke from Bonn, Germany. The shot weight of the parts is 36 grams.

On tour There is no charge for registration for the Ferromatik Milacron roadshow and spaces are still available. Visitors should contact the local organizers for each event:

Barcelona, Spain  20. – 21. February 2013  Joaquin Rabinad [email protected]

Camposampiero, Italy, 07. – 09. March 2013, Chiara Busato [email protected]

Humlebaek, Denmark, 18. – 21. March 2013, Erik Sten Andersen [email protected]

Chesterfield, UK, 16. – 17. April 2013, Clive Scott [email protected]

Ferromatik Milacron GmbH Riegeler Straße 4 79364 Malterdingen Germany +49 (0)7644 78-302

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