The Seckler Robomation product range has been extended by a new solution. The Sandero micro sandblasting machine has been designed to increase the economic efficiency of sandblasting processes while meeting strict modern quality requirements.

With the Seckler Sandero, up to four programmable micro sandblasting nozzles are available at each table position.
As the manufacturer explains, the Seckler Sandero has been developed to carry out the automatic and uniform micro sandblasting of cylindrical components. The machine can reportedly accommodate parts up to a maximum diameter of 80 mm and a maximum length of 150 mm.
It comprises a stand-alone blasting system with rotary table and eight workpiece stations. According to the Swiss manufacturer, it is possible to have a maximum of four individually programmable blasting nozzles at each table position. After the blasting process, the workpieces are carefully blown off so that they can be removed dust-free from the parts fixture.