One of the key advantages of Deco line turning machines is their independent tool holder systems. On its new Swiss ST 26 machine, Tornos is offering tool holder plates as standard, as on all competitor machines, but for users who want more flexibility, Deco 13 and EvoDeco 16 fixed tool holders and Applitec Modu-Line tool holders are also fully compatible.

As a reminder, the Modu-Line tool holder concept is a system patented by Applitec and shared by several manufacturers operating in the bar turning tool supply sector. The insert holder is clamped to its base using two bolts through the cross-section of the tool body. The bearing surface with longitudinal teeth provides excellent rigidity and precise positioning. It is positioned lengthwise using a stop (fixed or adjustable) and it is held securely in place by the pressure exerted by a ball-spring. The two mounting screws are held tightly by the insert holder, which stops them getting lost and which makes tool handling easier.
More rigidity Fitting Modu-Line tool holders on Swiss ST machines offers a number of advantages. François Champion, sales manager at Applitec told us: "The Tornos tool holder system is the perfect complement to Modu-Line tool holders. On the new ST26, you can now optionally fit tools with a cross-section of 16/16 although the basic standard is 12/12."
Quick tool changeover Tool changing is very quick and straightforward. The principle for fitting the tools and for longitudinal adjustment guarantee the tools are repositioned accurately. The insert can also be easily changed off the machine without any prior adjustment, providing another opportunity to save considerable time. Machine stoppage times are reduced. For customers who are used to working in this way, the arrival of this standard on the ST26 is excellent news.

Applitec Moutier SA Swiss Tooling Chemin Nicolas-Junker 2 CH-2740 Moutier Tel. +41 32 494 60 20 Fax: +41 32 493 42 60 [email protected] |
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