
Haas Machine Number 150,000!

October 2014

Haas Automation is celebrating building and supplying its 150,000th CNC machine tool: a DS-30SSY dual-spindle turning centre with Y-axis.

At a special handing-over ceremony to mark the occasion, Haas Automation Europe’smanaging director Alain Reynvoet attended the Manufacturing and Automation Expo 2014, Stockholm, to meet the owners of Swedish company Claesson Engineering – a general, precision engineering business founded by three brothers – and to present them with a commemorative plate to mark the occasion of their purchase of this very special machine tool.

“Installation of the 150,000th machine is a signal event for Haas Automation,” said Mr. Reynvoet. “The fact that it has been bought by a European company, in the relatively high-cost region of Scandinavia, is further proof that our new generation of products combining value, performance, reliability and support – are the right ones for any market, however tough the trading conditions. And unlike other builders, Haas continues to manufacture its high-value products at its 1-million-square-foot facility in Southern California, a fact as revolutionary today as it was more than 25 years ago, when Gene Haas introduced his first VMC for less than $50,000.”

Skyrocking growth As recently as June 2007, Haas celebrated building and installing its 75,000th CNC machine tool, purchased by a family owned machining business in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. Not bad considering the California-based company only started building CNC machine tools just 20 years earlier. Incredibly, the company has since built and supplied an additional 75,000 machines in around one third as long as it took to build the first 75,000. More than 50% of that production has been exported to customers in overseas markets. “The Haas DS-30SSY CNC turning centre is one of our latest-generation machine tools,” adds Mr. Reynvoet. “It was designed to provide affordable high-productivity to companies around the world wishing to machine complex parts in as few setups as possible.” . In Switzerland Urma AG Werkzeugfabrik Obermatt 3 CH-5102 Rupperswil Phone +41 62-889 20 20 Fax +41 62-889 20 28 [email protected]


PS: We’ve just managed to write a success story in Switzerland with Hapa Electronik that realises wonders with its Haas Super Mini Mill... soon released, stay tuned.


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