
HF-motor spindles for Ultra-Precision-Machining

March 2010

New from Ibag: smallest mini spindles with only 16 mm diameter and angular spindles for use on Swiss type lathes. These spindles are built with synchronous motor technology for better performance and much more torque.

The small sized Ibag spindles (as small as 16 mm diameter) are ready to use on Swiss type lathes and micro machining centers. They utilize highest productivity and outstanding quality to all machining operations: Fine graving, drilling and machining in tool- and mold making as well as in mass production of optical and high precision parts. The spindles gain speeds up to 100’000 rpm and power up to 0.3 kW. They come as a complete package including all cables, hoses and the frequency converter, including a 2 years warranty. Thus they are suitable as OEM products and to retrofit existing machines on the shop floor.

Original configurations At Simodec the company presented its latest innovation, the angular spindle and the adjustable angular spindle. These spindles can be used wherever space is missing. There is no gear between the two parts of the angle, the whole motorization is located in the head.

The Ibag small sized spindles series HF are especially designed for High Speed Cutting (HSC) with small sized cutting tools. Also useful for grinding, they gain the effectiveness and high productivity of HSC on Swiss type turning machines. They fit into the clamping system of these machines. With these spindles users achieve the advantages of complete machining parts. Nearly every kind of Swiss type machine can be refitted with the small sized spindles.

More information? Ibag Switzerland AG Industrie Tagelswangen Buckstrasse 2 CH-8315 Lindau-Zürich Phone: +41 (0) 52 355 33 33 Telefax: +41 (0) 52 343 40 44 [email protected]

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