
Innovative two-channel NC system for machine tools with up to five axes

September 2014

NUM is showing its new two-channel CNC kernel for the first time in the US at IMTS. There are still two days available to discover it there!

NUM’s latest Flexium+ 8 CNC kernel offers two CNC channels and accommodates up to five axes, four of which can be interpolated.

Designed specifically for developers of small to medium sized machine tools with four or five axes, the Flexium+ 8 CNC provides an exceptionally cost-effective control solution that in many cases eliminates the need for a second CNC kernel. NUM is also launching a new version of its 3D simulation software which now includes kinematic equations to support advanced 5-axis machining applications.

As if many kernels The Flexium+ 8 CNC kernel offers two CNC channels and accommodates up to five axes, four of which can be interpolated. At any one time, either CNC channel can be used to control a spindle motor and four axes, instead of the full complement of five axes. This control flexibility helps designers to lower the cost of machines with complex synchronisation requirements. For example, on a grinding machine, one channel could control two X/Z axes and a spindle to perform the grinding functions while the other channel controls two rear mounted U/W dressing axes. Each channel can either run its own part program asynchronously and operate autonomously – much as if it had a dedicated CNC kernel – or the two channels can be synchronised. Control of one to five axes, or a spindle, can be passed on-the-fly from one channel to the other, to maximise use of available hardware resources.

Dedicated simulation software For maximum flexibility, NUM offers two versions of Flexium+ 3D simulation software. One is designed for standalone use without a CNC system, as a production planning tool for verifying part programs. The other is fully integrated with the Flexium+ HMI (human machine interface) and is connected to the machine’s CNC system. Unlike many competitive CAD/CAM visualisation systems, this uses the NC code that is being processed by the CNC interpolator to create a true real-time representation of machine operation. Part programs can be simulated at the same time that other programs are being executed on the machine, and the same part program can be executed and simulated simultaneously. The simulator visualises the tools, the machine’s kinematic properties and the work piece blank as 3D volumes, and shows the TCP (tool centre point) and material removal as the tool moves along the machining path defined by the part program.


The latest release of NUM’s Flexium+ 3D simulation software includes algorithms for the RTCP function to support advanced 5-axis machining applications.

NUM AG Battenhusstrasse 16 CH-9053 Teufen Tel: +41 71 335 04 11


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