General about Eurotec

Issue 364 of Eurotec is being printed!

April 2009

Dear readers,

I’m just back from Medtec in Besançon and I would like to share a few thoughts with you…

First I’m happy to announce that next issue is being printed. It’s focused on micromechanics and watch industry and you’ll see that this world is full of passion and "magic people". There is no miracle but a lot of useful addresses to produce incredible parts or to have information about machines and accessories to do so. Do not hesitate to contact these companies, that’s passionate people and if you’re so too, you could only get on well together! (I won’t do the list here, you will see it in the magazine… or if you can’t wait and want to receive the list of these magic companies before the magazine, send me an e-mail).

Second Medtec Besançon was really small but nevertheless well attended. The show reminded me of the Siams that took place on the early days. Eurotec was there with a small booth and it was a pleasure to meet you there and have a discussion about business or food or anything. We enjoyed it a lot, hope the same for you who came to say hello. No official figures about that show yet… let’s wait a little. The exhibitors seemed surprised because thinking that would be worse. We met people organizing Micronora too. That’s obviously something completely different with a background on microtechnics. Even if some companies are exhibiting at both shows (there are too many shows!), I’m convinced that Micromora doesn’t have to worry. Franche-Comté is a country of microtechnics (as written in Eurotec 363 too).

Third It’s soon EPHJ-EPMT, but first I’m going to the Schleifring Symposium and Control in Stuttgart… We don’t have a both there… but if you are there and would like me to pay a visit, do not hesitate to send me an e-mail at [email protected]. At that show we will present a special offer for the rest of the year in term of communication package… if you can come to our booth, do not hesitate to ask for the full information package!

Fourth Is 3 a good number to say it’s a few thought? I think no… and I will add another one! Guess what? I’m happy! At Medtec Besançon a guy came to my booth and told me that he had a contact with a potential customer that saw his company on Eurotec’s blog. That was the first "proof" that the blog is more than just something to make me spend time (but I like to spend it with you!). If you also experience such contacts, I’d be happy to learn about these!

And that’s it… this entry is already finished, I’ve done a few kilometers as I was writing on the train… Eurotec is on the move!

See you soon py

The Eurotec Newsletter