
Medtech Market Insights: USA

March 2011

“Medtech market insights: USA” organized by Medtech Switzerland and Oslo Medtech in Winterthur (March 29/30), Lausanne (March 31/April, 2011) and Oslo (April 4th – 5th, 2011), is designed to give you first-hand insights into the biggest medical technology goods market in the world.

To evaluate market opportunities and to be aware of the challenges of the U.S.-market the organizers designed a program tailored to medtech manufacturers, suppliers and service providers. Be it that your company is already selling its products in the USA or be it that you are interested in exporting to the U.S. this “medtech market insights” will provide you with the necessary information to further develop your business.

Program highlights This two-day event consists of workshops and individual consulting sessions with dedicated speakers and experts from abroad.


You can download the programme here.


Medtech Switzerland Wankdorffeldstrasse 102 Postfach 261 3000 Bern 22 Tel.: +41 31 335 62 41 Fax: +41 31 335 62 63 [email protected]

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