
Multi-machine automation < 1.0 m

July 2022

Production areas are expensive, especially when they have to be air-conditioned for high-precision production applications. Therefore, production areas should primarily be used for machines. 

Due to the growing trend towards Industry 4.0 and automation, however, production areas are increasingly being lost for handling workpieces or tools.

In order to reduce space consumption caused by automation in production, Röders is presenting the extremely narrow linear multi-machine automation RCF30. The width, including the shelving system, is less than 1.0 m. Nevertheless, a workpiece weight of up to 30 kg can be handled. 

The new RCF30 automation from Röders is extremely space-saving and has a width of < 1.0 m
(Picture: Röders)

A gripper change enables the handling of different types of pallets and tools. The stiff construction makes the RCF30 very fast. The RCF30 is delivered to customers in ready-made modules, avoiding lengthy, expensive installation work. A gradual expansion is possible at any time. Due to Röders’ many years of experience in multi-machine automation, measuring machines, eroding machines, etc. can also be integrated.

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