At EMO 2013 Tornos will unveil new programming software for its machines operating without assistance from TB-DECO. Already used by those who bought the first SwissNano machines, the new software, called ISIS, is much more than just an ISO editor with a pleasing design.

The new software package also enables direct communication with machines and allows their status to be monitored. We met with Patrick Neuenschwander, software development manager at Tornos, to find out more.
ISO code easily managed ISIS is a programming system intended for machines controlled via an ISO editor, in particular SwissNano and Swiss ST 26 machines. It differs from TB-Deco, which is a horizontal editor. This editor, which can manage up to 3 channels, can display the ISO code vertically. The ISO code is automatically synchronised between the channels, and syntax highlighting is used to ensure easy identification of the various value codes.
Simple monitoring of machines At present it is possible to monitor the following machine models: EvoDeco 10, EvoDeco 16, EvoDeco 20/32, Swiss ST, MultiSwiss, Almac VA 1008, SwissNano, MultiAlpha, MultiSigma. ISIS enables detailed monitoring of the machine inventory, and monitoring can also be performed via the Tornos Android application which was first integrated on the SwissNano. The functions are identical on both applications, but ISIS also offers advanced filtering options currently not available on the Android application. For example, machines can be filtered according to their status. Monitoring includes not only the status of the machines in the workshop, but also an overview of current production: the workpiece counter, remaining production time and the name and drawing of the workpiece are available at any time.
To be discovered at EMO on the Tornos booth (B04) in Hall 17.

Tornos SA Indutrielle 111 2740 Moutier Switzerland Phone +41 32 494 44 44 Fax +41 32 494 49 07

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