Companies that manufacture precision linear bearing in Europe are not numerous. The number of manufacturers who are exclusively concentrated on this type of product is even more limited. Egis, located in Bevaix near Neuchâtel, is one of these specialists for which linear guidance through linear bearings is obvious. Meeting with Alexis Larcher, responsible for marketing and sales and Olivier Geuggis, director.

ML linear bearings with adjustment jib and V guideways with needle roller bearings.
At first sight, to produce linear bearings fitted with needle cages may seem easy. Production does not require any terribly complex operation and the parts appear to be simple. Yet when we look more closely, we see that the company provides parallelism accuracy in a range of 2µ on length of 1000 mm (depending on the type). Mr. Larcher explains: "Egis has acquired a great know-how over the years, we also use customised means of production, improved on our 49 years of experience".
The way of service Compared to its competitors Egis is a small company. Therefore it has developed an offer that is based not solely on volume but on the value added by advices, services and high reactivity. Egis always offers a standard catalogue and clients have the possibility to customize their linear bearings (executions, materials, treatments, position of bores, etc...) and can interact with the specialists of the company.
The way of flexibility Egis can rely on a large stock of raw hardened parts and can quickly do the grinding operations according to the requests of its customers. Mr. Larcher says: "We are well known by the market to provide quality products within short delivery times”. At such a point that the company is sometimes used as a "rescue solution" by customers usually supplied by the competition.
The way of knowledge Questioned as to possible brakes to the use of liner bearings, Mr. Larcher gives us a surprising answer: "Linear bearings are a product completely mastered over the years and they are sometimes simply not considered anymore because the new generations of mechanical designers do not have the necessary information". It is one of the reasons why the company has developed a new catalog available in three languages (F, D and E). It includes of course the product range of the company but it is also a powerful auxiliary for designers since it includes extensive technical information. Interested? It is available for download (chapter by chapter) on the website of the company under and can be asked at the belwo mentioned mail address.
If an accurate movement must be guided, it is likely that Egis offers the solution.
EGIS SA Rue Eugène-de-Coulon 5 2022 Bevaix Suisse Tél. +41 (0)32 846 16 22 FAX +41 (0)32 846 27 30 [email protected]