General about Eurotec

Read eurotec online and more

June 2011

It’s been a long time since the published issues of Eurotec are available online on our blog, but now we’ve gone a little bit farther with 1) the availability of the online opportunity to leaf through all our issues (from 2009) and 2) the new iPad version of the blog.

If you want to download the PDF file of our issues, it is still possible through the "Articles" page and it is good if you want to keep our past issues and articles as references. These pages are very useful indeed. To download Eurotec, you can go here.

To leaf through freely... Now let’s imagine you want to simply leaf through the magazines and have a look… and maybe print something or save it… you can do that now with the new possibility offered by Issuu. To have a look on this new way to enjoy Eurotec, try the link: Open Eurotec 376 on-line or go to the new page containing summaries and links here.

iPad version Readers can add Eurotec’s blog and website site to their iPad’s home screen for quick access from an app-like icon very easily. Try it! Obviously if you download Eurotec issues into your iPad, you can access them from your library.

More for our customers These new possibilities offer our advertisers even more visibility and help them to be more "on the market". It also offers our readers a new reading experience of Eurotec and multiply the enter points into the world of microtechnology and high precision.

We want to continuously help companies active in microtechnology share their knowledge and information.

Do not hesitate to tell us your experience with Eurotec.


Pierre-Yves Kohler Publisher

PS: By the way, you can also subscribe to our RSS feed here.


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