
Spain is reinventing itself…

January 2009

Under the slogan "technology for life", the Spanish industry changes its skin. The aim of this high-aimed program is to revaluate the often unknown industrial and innovative skills of Spain.

An image change During the Midest show in Paris, where Spain was VIP guest, it was impossible to miss the "technology for life" presence. Under the aisle of ICEX (Spanish institute for foreign trade), a new brand image has been built for the whole Spanish industry. To do such a change is obviously costly but more than that, what is needed is some stunning realization with whom build a strong message. 20 or 30 years ago, Spain was easily seen as a country with local craftsman in the roads repeating secular movements. That was also the warmth, the fascinating fragrances and a kind of lethargy that made people think of holidays.

Technology leap Nowadays three flights out of four reach their destinations thanks to the sky control programs developed in Spain, the country is the second largest producer for windmill power as well as the first provider of solutions to desalinize water in Europe and in the USA. What a change! Two main axes of development are followed. First "give a shape of tomorrow’s world" with aerospace, communication, machines, IT and engineering et second, "create a world that respects the environment", for instance with renewable energies, desalinization and water treatment as well as biotechnology.

Should you need more information about Spanish industry, do not hesitate to contact Ices: PROMOCIÓN PRODUCTOS INDUSTRIALES ICEX, INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR,,1549487_1561468_132310490_0,00.html

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