
Strangely shaped tools…

May 2010

Operators who see the micro and nano tools produced by the company Louis Bélet SA in Vendlincourt (Switzerland) for the first time will certainly be surprised by the shape of the tools, which can seem very far from the usual or familiar tool shapes. Is this a designer’s whim or a real revolution? To find out more, we met Mrs Roxane Piquerez and Mr Arnaud Maître, the company’s managers.

Different rules… « A milling cutter measuring 8/100 mm which removes microscopic amounts of material doesn’t behave like a bigger tool. We have to study the behaviour of the tool in relation to the material » Mr Maître tells us. Louis Bélet SA works in close collaboration with universities and establishments of further education to design the geometries of tomorrow’s micro-tools. The company’s research and development capacity means it can not only commit itself to projects which will change the face of the micro-machining industry, but also to work for its current customers, and not only in the field of nano-technology.

The demise of forming tools? A few years ago, certain experts forecast the disappearance of forming tools. They maintained that, with modern machine tools, you don’t need this kind of tool. What is a manufacturer’s experience of this phenomenon? Mr Maître doesn’t seem to be suffering that much from this forecast, « In fact it’s quite the contrary. Parts manufacturers are investing in more simple machines, and in this context a forming tool is the ideal solution. » Not only it can make work easier but it can also allow a saving in very precious machining time.

Want to know more? You can visit Louis Bélet SA at Siams, Switzerland from tomorrow on Hall 1.2, booth A8. There will be a full article in eurotec’s next issue.

Louis Bélet SA Rue Gustave Amweg 33 2943 Vendlincourt Switzerland Phone +41 32 474 04 10 Fax +41 32 474 45 42

By the way, we’re also at Siams on Halle 1.2, Booth C25, do not hesitate to come meet us!

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