
The solution for machining CVD and PCD tools

July 2013

The materials used to manufacture cutting tools are increasingly hard and require innovative machining solutions. For example, the production of CVD (Chemical Vapor-deposited Diamond) has been mastered for some time, but until now there was no effective means of machining such material.

With the LaserSmart 500 Rollomatic will enable the democratization of CVD tools. Users will be totally winners since the lifetime of such tools is about 5 x longer than those in PVD and 25 x longer than those in hard metal.

To provide an answer to this problem, Rollomatic, specialists in providing grinding machines for the production of ’high tech’ cutting tools, will unveil the LaserSmart 500 at EMO (Hall 6, Stand E16). Meeting with MM. Christian Krumm, Business Development Manager and Damien Wunderlin, Sales Network Manager. (Complete article to be read in Eurotec’s next issue).

Quality above all "We are known for the quality of our machines and their productivity, so logically, we decided that was to be the first point of the new product’s development guideline: the LaserSmart 500 had to be in the same category of high-tech machines providing impeccable results" says Mr. Wunderlin to start. The company aimed high; a development team had worked for three years to harmoniously combine the Rollomatic’s know-how to Laser technology.

5-axis interpolation... Designed to create all kinds of tools (inserts and cylindrical tools) in one clamping and all types of operations (chip breakers and cutting out shapes), the kinematics of the new machine had to be completely revamped. The laser is located on the top and is stationary. The mobile optical system directs the beam to the part, which is clamped in place on the Y/Z axis, while the X axis and rotary motion are controlled via a direct drive motor. All axes are simultaneously interpolated and the Laser imparts no actual cutting force, so the effects of masses are minimal, allowing the speed of movement and responsiveness to be significantly increased.

A single process In general the PVD/CVD insert is soldered into a hard metal body, the precision of this operation is relative, it is therefore necessary to ensure the correct position of the insert before each machining process. The automatic calibration device of the LaserSmart 500 determines the exact position and recalculates all trajectories, clearance angles and curves in function (this is also valid when regrinding tools). Mr. Krumm says: "We’ve done a lot of testing and positioning errors of the insert of 7 degrees are managed without any problem". Another strong point: the laser also offers an auto-calibration system by digital scanner which guarantees that the focal point and the position of the beam are always perfectly aligned. Further analyses have shown that the technology used allows for a perfect cut of both the PCD/CVD and the hard metal into which it is placed.

Results that exceed all For the development of this new technology, Rollomatic engineers have worked collaboratively with customers facing the problems of CVD machining. Mr. Krumm says: "We did many tests and our customers are delighted, the quality and accuracy are higher than the standards. The LaserSmart creates a whole new set of references in terms of surface finish and sharpness of the cutting edge!"

Comparison of the cutting edges of a PCD tool made by electro-erosion, grinding and with the new LaserSmart CNC500UH (from left to right). The image doesn’t need any comment.

. Rollomatic SA Z.I. Prés-Bugnons CH-2525 Le Landeron Switzerland Tél. +41 32 752 17 00 Fax: +41 32 752 17 17 .




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