General about Eurotec

This is the first post on the new Eurotec’s blog

November 2008

With this blog, I would like to keep you posted on the life of Eurotec and also to give you more than just the articles available on the magazine. The magazine is in three languages but the blog is in English only. If you need some information in French or German, the magazine is perfect.

There is already a lot of exciting things to come. I was in Midest in Paris and Prodex in Basle and there was a lot of new machines and features that will be detailed in the next issue. Want an example?

..and a lot more besides.

I will come often here to post some news and information. Do not hesitate to come here often too!

I’m eager to inform you on European’s precision machining and micromechanics.

Pierre-Yves Kohler

Editor & Publisher


The Eurotec Newsletter