
When a high precision turner designs a machine...

June 2013 finely fits his needs! But to become machines manufacturer isn’t that easy... And yet this ’ideal’ machine exists today, we discovered it at Humard Automation in Delémont (Jura, Switzerland). Meeting with MM. Georges Humard, Director and Fabio Carabotti, Project Manager.

Basically, the concept of this new 7 mm capacity sliding head automatic was developed by Elwin, a Sandoz Foundation owned high precision turning company. After several prototypes, Humard Automation had the opportunity to buy this development to finalise and industrialise it. Mr. Humard says: "We have worked closely with Elwin to develop the best possible machine. We’ve been working several years and now we are ready to enter into the market”.

High precision turner need: productivity and precision Designed for the high-end watchmaking requiring out of ordinary accuracies and surface finishes, the Dec’Humard impresses with its wide machining area, easily accessible from all sides and by its bed of nearly one and a half ton of mineral cast. M. Carabotti says: "The machine has been designed to achieve very high precision in normal machining; tolerances of a few microns are standard". He adds: “As the machine is extremely rigid, we can work with significant feed rates while maintaining accuracy. For most of the parts we have analyzed and/or set-up, cycle times are significantly shorter than what is usually reachable".

High precision turner need: to keep what works All high precision turners know the principle of the balance driven by a cam to operate the tools, a unique support for two cutter holders. On the Dec’Humard, two finishing tools are mounted on a balance; they are complemented by 5 vertical tools located above the guide bush on independent scraped slides. The machine also includes 5 tools on the front platen and many options (counter spindle, gear-hobbing, thread-whirling, centering optical device, stamping device, bucket recovery system and much more).

High precision turner need: to center tools quickly During set-ups, centering the tools may take some time if not properly equipped. The Dec’Humard includes a centering optic system mounted on the front platen. Its position is guaranteed; centered and in the axis and does not depend on the ’hand’ of the operator. So everyone can quickly put the tools in the correct position.

Three companies for an exciting result It is with the combination of the skills of high precision turners (Elwin), experts in machines overhaul (Seuret) and industrial automation specialists (Humard) that the Dec’Humard has emerged. "It combines the best of our three companies, it represents a century of technology and know-how in a single product" states Mr. Humard. The company is confident for the future and is building a fifth hall on its Delémont site to house the new Dec’Humard product line.

Humard Automation SA 6, rue St-Randoald CH-2800 Delémont Tel. + 41 32 421 40 90 Fax + 41 32 423 29 26

With Dec’Humard the company positions itself on a niche in the market of high precision turning. The one of a Swiss made machine without any compromise on quality or materials. The Director is adamant on this subject: “We are in the heart of the Watch Valley and are proud of the Swiss label, apart from the numerical control, our automatic lathe is 100% Swiss-made and we are committed to promote our regional subcontractors”.



PS: We will come back on this new player in high precision turning and this new machine on Eurotec’s next issue. Stay tuned!

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