Additive manufacturing

Proto Labs, Inc. launches new additive manufacturing service

October 2014

Proto Labs, Inc., a leading online and technology-enabled quick-turn manufacturer, has announced the launch of its additive manufacturing service through the acquisition of privately held FineLine Prototyping, Inc. a leading provider of additive manufacturing services.

The addition of additive manufacturing expands Proto Labs services to address a wider spectrum of need for the product developer. From concept models, to form and fit testing, to functional testing and short-run production, no other company can supply a broader range of quick-turn custom parts with the speed, reliability and consistency of Proto Labs.

A new trump in the game The addition of an additive manufacturing service is highly complementary to Proto Labs’ existing CNC machining and injection molding services. Historically, 70% of Proto Labs customers also utilize an additive manufacturing service in their product development process. Proto Labs will announce its new additive manufacturing service to its substantial database of over 300,000 product developers to leverage the inherent synergy this new service provides.  “We are excited to launch our new additive manufacturing service,” said Vicki Holt, Proto Labs President and CEO. “The FineLine acquisition is the first step in building this new service. We will look to expand our additive manufacturing capabilities in the US, as well as globally, through both organic growth and potential new acquisitions. Our customers have been asking us to provide additive manufacturing services for quite some time, and now we can address that need. We’re accepting orders starting today.”

A new name : fineline Fineline Additive Manufacturing specializes in the rapid prototyping of three-dimensional objects. Within Fineline, Proto Labs offer three high-tech processes: stereolithography (SL), selective laser sintering (SLS) and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). Whether small parts with precise geometries or large, highly detailed patterns are needed, these additive processes provide product developers another quick-turn option during early prototyping.

Will this evolution follow in Europe ? Stay tuned!

Proto Labs Bernard Faure – Savoie Technolac 18 Allée du Lac Saint André F 73382 le Bourget du Lac Cedex Tel + 33 (0) 479 65 46 50 – Fax + 33 (0) 479 65 46 51 [email protected]

. In the United Kingdom: [email protected] Firstcut – cnc machining: Protomold – injection: 


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