
Schneeberger MINISLIDE micro frictionless tables: compact and precise for maximum productivity

March 2015

Where maximum precision and processing reliability are required in minimal space, the MINISLIDE miniature tables offer outstanding solutions. These new-generation Schneeberger miniature guideways are also extremely rigid and provide a high level of smoothness. Problematic cage creep is completely eliminated or at least reduced significantly.

MSQ miniature tables offer maximum precision resulting from a high level of system rigidity. In addition, cage creep is completely eradicated.

The MINISLIDE miniature guideways are available in two designs, MSQ and MS, with rail widths of between 4 and 15 mm and with different strokes. All of this equates to low weight and excellent load carrying capacity and rigidity. The MINISLIDE miniature tables MSQ 7, 9, 12 and 15 are characterised by a four track design. Large, internal spacings are achieved thanks to their special arrangement. Combined with the tracks offset of 90 degrees, they are able to continuously absorb high forces from all directions and guarantee enormous moment rigidity. As a high number of rolling elements are utilised, system rigidity is enhanced thereby ensuring a high level of precision. Furthermore, developers of the MSQ miniature guideways have succeeded in completely eliminating cage creep with a well-engineered, robust cage control system. The gear racks are directly incorporated into carriages and rails. Cage and gearwheel are made of premium plastic materials. This compact, robust design and a minimum number of integral components ensure maximum reliability in every operating situation. Even vertical installation or temperature fluctuations will not result in cage creep. This all results in higher ratings for travel speeds and accelerations and thereby reducing cycle times. The bottom line is that you can enjoy trouble-free operation guaranteeing more productive time. Amongst the special features of the MINISLIDE MS 4 and MS 5 are the fact that they support load capacities ten times greater than traditional 90 degree V profiles, due to the Gothic arch profile of the tracks. External influences, such as uneven load distribution or high accelerations, on this type of linear slide can cause the cage to move off centre as the cage can move freely along its longitudinal axis. Re-centring it by means of corrective strokes takes time and energy. Schneeberger engineers have now succeeded in significantly reducing cage creep in the MS range with 2 important design features : The miniature tables are fitted with single piece cages and in addition, an integrated cage centring piece helps to quickly re-centre the offset cage.

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