
Individual advice on funding opportunities

May 2013

It is with pleasure that the precision cluster presents a day of interviews for companies: "Individual advice on funding opportunities for your innovative products" that will take place in Bienne on June 4, 2013.

Thanks to the encouragement means of the EU and the CTI of the Swiss Confederation (link to CTI), your company can also be supported to develop its products and stimulate innovation. As there are many programs of promotion, Manu-Future-CH experts, the new partner of the Precision Cluster, are ready to discuss your projects with you in a 1 ½ h interview (without any commitment). This would set the appropriate options and the way to follow for a support project.

In German or in French Interviews will be programmed in order of arrival of registrations and will be planned from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00. Interviews can be conducted in German or French. The participation fee amounts to CHF 175.- but the advice service is free for members of the Precision Cluster.

Date and place

Registrations are to be sent by e-mail ([email protected]) until May 31, 2013 at the latest.

L’invitation en français sur la page Facebook d’Eurotec c’est ici.



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