
I. Micronarc Alpine Meeting (MAM2010) – Equipment for Microproducts. January 20-22, 2010, Villars-sur-Ollon

November 2009

The earlybird deadline for MAM2010 is in only 3 days!

In order to benefit from the reduced price, you should register on or before Friday November 20, 2009.

You may go here for more information and to register.

II. MAM 2010 – Company Sponsorship / Exhibition Possibility

A limited table-top exhibition will run in parallel to the conference for companies and organisations that wish to promote at MAM2010. The cost for each exhibition space is CHF 3000.- (+7.6% VAT). For this fee, each exhibitor will receive :

Please contact them for more information if you are interested.

» Space is limited to 10-12 tables and requests will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis.

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