
Simplifying & Speeding Production with MTM and Efficient NC Programming Practices

August 2011

GibbsCAM Webinar Coming Soon: Andy Heffner, Industry Veteran and Gibbs’ Applications Engineer, will use sample parts and machines to discuss overcoming challenges of multi-task machines to maximize productivity.

Gibbs and Associates, developer of GibbsCAM® software for programming CNC machine tools and a Cimatron company, today announced that the company will collaborate with Gardner Publications’ Modern Machine Shop to present a free webinar about using and programming multi-task machines, at 2:00 P.M. Eastern (1:00 P.M. Central, 11:00 A.M. Pacific) on Wednesday, September 7, 2011. Registration information and system requirements are on the Modern Machine Shop webinar page at:

Large know how … available Andy Heffner, Gibbs application and MTM specialist, will deliver the one-hour presentation, which includes a question-answer session at the end. Mr. Heffner worked as a machinist in Germany, attaining the level of master machinist, before coming to the United States to work as an applications engineer for German machine tool builders Traub and DMG for nine years. He then worked as an independent MTM programming consultant for two years and, in 2001, upon discovering that Gibbs was the only company developing NC programming software for MTMs, Mr. Heffner joined the company. Today, as a GibbsCAM application engineer and MTM specialist, he assists customers in the implementation of MTM software and machines.

To answer to users’ questions “The multiple configurations of standard and Swiss-type multi-task machines present many challenges to both new and experienced CNC programmers and machinists, who often wonder about the complexity of multiple turrets and spindles, and the best ways of optimizing NC programs,” explains Mr. Heffner. “With this webinar, we hope to answer many questions that MTM users and programmers ask frequently. I will discuss the benefits and challenges of using the machines, selecting parts for different machine configurations, working with multiple turrets and flows, and the use of NC programming automation to help prevent gouging and interference, while optimizing toolpath.”

Swiss type machines and more GibbsCAM MTM fully supports multiple flows and all of the functions of both standard and Swiss style multi-task machines, including sub-spindles, live tooling, multiple turrets doing simultaneous machining, Y-axis on all turrets, thread whirling, B-axis turning, B-axis milling with Y offset, full 4- and 5-axis simultaneous machining, and synchronization to optimize turret utilization and cycle times.

For more information about GibbsCAM, or to locate your local GibbsCAM reseller, go to, call 1-800-654-9399, or email [email protected]. About the webinar : . In Switzerland and France: . Productec SA Les Grands Champs 5 2842 Rossemaison Phone + 41 32 421 44 33 Fax + 41 32 421 44 39 [email protected] Productec France Phone +33 9 74 76 26 61

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