Trade show

3D printing and additive manufacturing: trends and technology

April 2014

Rapid.Tech ranks among the leading international events in the field of 3D printing and additive manufacturing. The conference and trade fair is scheduled to take place for the 11th time in Erfurt on 14 and 15 May 2014, and it owes its popular success to its concept of remaining relevant to users.

Thanks to the SLS additive manufacturing (Selective Laser Sintering) technology, Ecoparts located in Rüti near Zürich can achieve functional prototypes in metal and small series of complex parts within very short deliveries.


With a user conference, design engineer day, specialist forums for the aviation and medical and dental technology industries, and the specialist trade fair itself there will be ample opportunity for interchange among newcomers to the field, experts, researchers and users, covering both theory and practice. In tandem with Rapid.Tech, the second German Personal Fabrication Convention FabCon 3.D will be taking place in Erfurt from 15–17 May 2014.

Key technology for nowadays challenges Sustainability, the Industry 4.0 project and individualisation are all global trends, and there is one key technology required to implement them all: additive manufacturing (AM). To exploit the potential of AM effectively it is necessary to be fully informed about all the latest developments covering materials, processes and machines. “Generative manufacturing processes are becoming ever more relevant across multiple industries and are playing an increasingly important part in production processes. This is generating an enormous demand for information, as well as for an interchange of experiences and discussion”, reported Wieland Kniffka, Head of Messe Erfurt [Erfurt trade fair]. “Rapid.Tech sets the standard here, with its mix of think-tank, knowledge transfer and an exhibition geared toward practical applications.”

To exchange knowledge Specialist forums under the headings of “Aviation”, “Medical Technology” and “CAD/CAM and Rapid Prototyping in Dental Technology” plus the user conference entitled “New Technologies” and the design engineer day will all give industry-insiders a chance to look at the latest applications, discuss the possibilities of additive processes in their specialist fields and cast an eye towards the future. This is also facilitated by the specialist trade fair, where around 100 exhibitors will be showcasing new developments and follow-up products.


Ecoparts is the only company of its kind in Switzerland,” says Mr. Kündig its director. Working with two eos int M 270 ma
 chines produced by eos (recently represented in s witzer
 land by s pringmann) this small structure is specialized in the manufacture of complex metal parts by laser sintering.



You can read the full article on SLS at Ecoparts here.



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