Alprobotic, the global expert in surface finishing processes for high-added-value parts, announced today that it delivered a completely robotic resist-mask-free microbead polishing unit to Spanish dental-implant market leader Klockner Implant System.

Each day, the Alprobotic unit will process 50 different products for total throughput of 1,000 implants per day. The unit was designed to meet the medical industry’s particularly stringent biocompatibility, repeatability, and quality requirements.
Klockner Implant System chose the Alprobotic microbead unit for its unique capacity to support a resist-mask-free process. Previously, Klockner Implant System manufacturing processes included making resist masks to protect the implant flange; human operators had to position and remove the masks. The Alprobotic unit eliminates these steps, substantially reducing sand consumption. ROI is expected within two-and-a-half years.
A repeatable, programmable process Alprobotic’s precision unit ensures optimal surface-roughness (Ra) consistency and a level of quality that far exceeds what can be achieved using manual processes. The unit is also easy to program, for total control of sanding distance from nozzle, pressure, impact speed, and particle trajectory. The robotic unit automatically changes tools when switching from one type of implant to another.
Comprehensive production-order management The resist-mask-free sanding unit is compatible with 24/7 plant operations, offering total throughput of 1,600 implants per day. It can also be integrated with quality control, laser marking, and anodizing processes and can handle the various stages of the qualification process (IQ, OQ, and PQ). Additionally, the unit can export end-of-production-order data, for seamless integration into fully-computerized plants.
Medical industry accounts for 80% of Alprobotic’s business The medical industry—mainly orthopedic, spinal, and dental implant manufacturers—accounts for 80% of Alprobotic’s revenue, with customers around the globe. Alprobotic is currently in advanced-stage negotiations with manufacturers in Switzerland and Germany for turnkey spinal implant finishing shop projects.