
Bimu Tooling for Tornos SwissNano

October 2013

With the launch of the SwissNano, Tornos is delivering innovation in bar turning for the watchmaking industry and is offering a high-performance machine in terms of quality and machining capacity for complex parts.

Bimu extends the capacities of the SwissNano by offering simple solutions which can considerably improve drilling precision and increase the number of tools without the need to modify the original configuration of the machine.

Increasing the turning tools on the platten using double tool holders When the upper positions on the platten are dedicated to lateral drilling operations, the number of remaining turning tool positions is greatly reduced. Bimu "408RD8" double tool holders have room for 2 inserts for each tool position; this means that the platten can house up to 3 additional inserts. The advantage of this tooling system is the fact that the original configuration is retained and the bar-turner can use a double tool holder on one position while at the same time keeping his standard tools (brazing tools, PCD tools, tools with any type of insert) on the other positions.

. Adding turning tools to the drilling positions Another option offered by Bimu is to replace one or more drilling tools with the 416 H6 turning tool holder. This enables bar turning inserts to be used on end-fitting equipment or for secondary operations. This variant makes it possible to increase the number of turning tools even if you want to keep all the standard tools on the platten. The insert fitted on the 416 H6 is 14 mm long and therefore does not exceed the cross-section of the tool holder. It is therefore possible to remove the tool holder from the support from the rear, without having to dismantle the insert; this makes it quicker and easier to use.

. Bimu SA Rue du Quai 10 CH-2710 Tavannes Tel. +41 32 482 60 50 Fax: +41 32 452 60 59 [email protected] .


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