Gühring presents new efficient milling cutters to machine fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP).

The economical machining of modern materials such as carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) requires high-tech tools operating extremely efficiently. Above all, it is important to avoid delamination or fiber projections on the component as well as thermal damage.
The problem to solve The new varieties of CFRP materials are produced with less resin content and this leads to a unidirectional orientation of fibers. Although fibers are incorporated into the matrix, they are positioned one aside another in the resin. The insertion of shapes is missing. This development impacts the reliability of machining as fibers can be very easily torn from the composite during machining. The higher the cutting forces, the higher the risks.
Solution provided by Gühring In its competence center for composite materials, Gühring has developed a cutter with new cutting edges geometry. This milling cutter has two cutting edges forming a 25° helix angle. Gühring offers milling cutters and hard metal reamers with the characteristic of the opposite distribution of the cut, which avoids a premature delamination. Even in situations of unstable machining, CFRP milling cutters work extremely well. The manufacturer announces very interesting results, namely machining without delamination and long tool life.

Guhring (Schweiz) AG Grundstrasse 16 – Postfach 242 6343 Rotkreuz Ph. + 41 41 798 20 80 Fax + 41 41 790 00 50 [email protected] www.guehring.ch .
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