
Complete solutions for hard turning

October 2012

Materials for components are constantly becoming harder, more wear resistant, more high-temperature resistant and thus more demanding during machining. The use of modern, highly-hard cutting grades is booming as these materials convince through substantial mechanical and thermal properties.

At the occasion of the AMB 2012 in Stuttgart the Swedish tool manufacturer Seco Tools presented his comprehensive programme of highly wear-resistant inserts for hard turning.

Numerous materials – numerous solutions Secomax™ CBN060K – is the first choice for the machining of case hardening and hardened bearing steel in the application area for cutting grades H10 to H20. The insert shows a CBN content of 60 % and average CBN grain size between 1 µm and 2 µm. Based on the particularly patented (Ti, Si, AI)N PVD coating the cutting grade is disposing of a higher cutting edge stability and thus enables high cutting speeds, high tool life quantities as well as high tool lifes. The unique multi-layer coating with the designation „K“ reduces the tendency to crater wear and and allows for higher cutting speed.

Secomax™ grade CBN160C is a sophisticated solution for reliable hard turning operations with cutting interruptions. The insert shows a CBN content of 65 % and an average grain size of 3 µm. Especially advantageous is the use of this cutting grade under unstable machining conditions, with large cutting depths or if significant variations in allowances have to be mastered. The description „C“ indicates that the grade makes use of the patented (Ti,Si)N coating, which in comparison to other layer systems enables for higher tool life.

Secomax™ grade CBN200 is an excellent choice for high performance machining with strong cutting interruptions. The grade shows an extremely high toughness which on the one side is due to the high volume content of more than 80% and on the other side is realized by a unique carbide-based binder.

The PVD coated grade TH1000 for cutting depths of ap = 0,3 to 3 mm is extremely fine-grained and specially suitable for finishing up to 60 HRC and operations with cutting interruptions. Stable cutting edges, excellent warm hardness and edge sharpness characterize this hard turning grade particularly. At transitions from hard to soft component areas this grade in combination with modern geometries like MF2 or MF5 ensures the chip breaking and offers a reliable, cost efficient alternative versus ceramic solutions.

The CVD coated grade TH1500, based on Duratomic® technology is an ideal solution for hard materials up to 55 HRC in continuous roughing operations. Due to its excellent wear resistance TH1500 delivers outstanding results with regard to economic aspects.

In Switzerland Seco Tools AG Hauptstrasse 104 CH-2560 Nidau Tel.+41 32 332 78 78 Fax +41 32 332 78 79 [email protected]

In Germany Seco Tools GmbH Kompetenzzentrum Steinhof 24 40699 Erkrath Telefon +49 211 24 01-0 Telefax +49 211 24 01-275 [email protected]

In France Seco Tools France 22 Avenue de la Prospective 18 000 Bourges Tel. + 33 02 48 67 27 27 Fax +33 02 48 67 27 05 [email protected]

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