We all do marketing, sometimes even without knowing it… and sometimes we do not have the backbone structure to help us. The CIP in Tramelan (Switzerland) organizes a 4-day training to help partakers clarify their vision and build actual tools. The training is based on projects for partakers and will help them answer a lot of questions like: What are our assets? What do I want to communicate? How to prepare the message? Who are my customers and what do they need? Why coming to my shop (…)
Topics / Economy
Partnership between Medical Cluster & Jobscout24
The medical cluster announced today their new partnership with JobScout24. The new Medical Cluster job portal covering the job market in the Swiss medical technology industry is now available on the cluster website. Medical Cluster members as well as non-members can now publish job offers easily and free of charge on the Medical Cluster website here: http://medical-cluster.ch/jobs If you would like to reach an even higher number of potential candidates you can do so by publishing your (…)
"EPHJ/EPMT/SMT" goes to Genève from its 2012 edition
Yesterday the organizers of the well known event announced that they were unable to find an agreement with the owners of the Beaulieu fairground (with the new strategy of Beaulieu). Thus the 2012 issue will take place in Genève Palexpo. This year the event is a special one as it’s the 10th of EPHJ, the 5th of EPMT and the first of SMT… and then the last in Lausanne. I recently contacted MM Colard and Saenger owners of the trade show about the evolution of "their babies" and how they feel. (…)
The EU Metals Recycling Industry maintains its demand for secondary materials
Eurometaux wishes to re-state the industry’s need for secondary raw materials in Europe and to respond to the press release issued by Eurometrec on 25 March in which it claims that the so called “metals consuming industry” lacks interest in buying metal scrap. Consumption should not be confused with pre-processing and recycling! The recycling value chain is composed of four main stages, namely collection, dismantling, pretreatment and refining/recycling. Recycling only takes place when the (…)
New dates for the Newemag Exhibition
Due to the tragic event happening in Japan, Newemag postpones its open house to May 18 to 20, 2011. Newemag’s open house in Rotkreuz focuses on particularly interesting products. Visitors will have the opportunity to see a beautiful range of high-quality machines. For example an evolution of the BNA machine by Miyano, the BNA-42 DHY series and the new SKT -180 TTSY by Hyundai-Kia will be presented. Main news to be discovered Miyano BNA-42 DHY – improvement of the BNA-42 S 7 axes including a (…)
2010: The recovery is robust @ Tornos
Sharply improved results, but still heavily impacted by the crisis. By 31 December 2010, the Tornos Group had emerged from the three-year recession which had affected it since the start of 2008. The cyclical low point was reached in mid-2009 and the upturn began in the first quarter of 2010, and gradually gathered speed throughout the year, which ended with activity at close to its pre-recession level. The crisis is now behind us, and the recovery is robust. François Frôté, Chairman of the (…)
Medtech Market Insights: USA
“Medtech market insights: USA” organized by Medtech Switzerland and Oslo Medtech in Winterthur (March 29/30), Lausanne (March 31/April, 2011) and Oslo (April 4th – 5th, 2011), is designed to give you first-hand insights into the biggest medical technology goods market in the world. To evaluate market opportunities and to be aware of the challenges of the U.S.-market the organizers designed a program tailored to medtech manufacturers, suppliers and service providers. Be it that your company (…)
On-line presence of SMEs (2011)
The document "hints for your SME’s Webcast" gives small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) tips for optimizing their website. More security, reliability and usability makes internet offers of Swiss SMEs even more attractive. The checklist is a joint publication of Federal Office of communications (OFCOM), the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the InfoSurance Association. Under the title "More security for your customers and more confidence for them", this publication gives (…)
Motor efficiency upgrades - is it Win-Win or Win-Lose?
A seminal piece of legislation mandating minimum electric motor efficiency levels is scheduled to come into force across the EU in June 2011. It has enormous implications for machinery OEMs, with potentially serious consequences to sales and market share if attention is not paid immediately, says Baldor. The situation is made even more problematic by the USA’s EISA minimum efficiency regulations, which came into force in December 2010. From feedback at exhibitions and from calls and visits (…)
Key insights of the European Orthopaedics Market 2009-2012
Avicenne Developpement presents its strategic report on the European orthopedic market 2009-2012.This issue includes hip, knee and shoulder implants and brings readers all the relevant information about this growing market. With more than 640 slides and 1 100 tables and graphs, this comprehensive survey details the volume, value, average price by product, by country and by competitor. Main countries analyzed are Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe and Whole Europe, 3 years (…)