DC Swiss SA offers a complete range of precision tapping machine taps for all materials with different tensile strengths and breaking elongations. There is a wide range of appropriate cutting geometries to guarantee precise thread tapping that conforms to standards for superior fixing technology. New at EMO, the treat millers dedicated to small and precise fields.

New product range M. Ryf, Sales and Marketing director explained us how difficult it is to machine micro threads on hard material. The new product range of cutters brings some advantages:
- One single miller for left and right threading
- Threads close to the end of the boring
- Possibility to machine threads that are interrupted
- Ideal to reach 4x diameter deep What is needed to benefit from these?
- Synchronized 3 CNC axes
- HSC machining
- Perfect concentricity of the clamping
More than that, some threat cutters can also cut the thread and remove any burr with a second cutter. This is ideal for medical application.
Need more information, do not hesitate to go to the website of the company.
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