
EMO report #8

October 2009

Doing an eccentric part including 3 different diameters with a concentricity of a few microns by thread whirling? Wow! What an application! Even if technicians were first wondering if such a thing would be possible, they achieved in producing it on a Tornos machine with the new 12 blades thread whirler from Utilis. This EMO is full of surprises!

Threads and more… In recent years, the whirling of threads for manufacturing high-quality screws for the medical technology industry and other sectors has become established. This manufacturing process is particularly suitable for long workpieces with small diameters, e.g. bone screws. Thread whirling is basically designed (as its name indicates it) to machine threads… but we can do more, a lot more!


Contact Utilis at [email protected]

This is the last day of EMO, I assume that it could have lasted a few more days to allow me to gather all the possible information.. but that was already very good and in the few following issues of Eurotec (and through posts on the blog) I will keep you posted on all these nice and powerful things discovered here.

Cheers py

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