To discover how the Décovi company, based in Vicques (Switzerland), uses the new Applitec Cut-Line inserts, we set up a meeting with Clovis Chételat, head of bar turning at Décovi, and Pascal Kohler, Applitec’s technical manager.

Just a few millimetres…The difference between a 1.6 mm insert and a 3.1 mm insert is not just 1.5 mm: multiplied by 200,000 workpieces, it adds up to 100 three-meter bars! With very costly materials such as titanium, at approximately 100 CHF per kg, the savings very soon add up. .
Working together for better solutions The first thing that hits you during this meeting is the perfect understanding between these two as they talk technical matters and problem solving without waffling, the aim always being to find the best solution. The meeting itself serves to illustrate the way in which Applitec works, always on hand for its customers, ready to find THE answer.
Applitec? The bar turning tool specialist… With thousands of references for the bar turning industry, Applitec is often contacted by Décovi either to order standard bar turning tools, or for special requests which lead the two partners to work closely together to achieve their goal.
…but that’s not all! Décovi starting using the Cut-Line inserts almost by chance, Mr Chételat tells us: "For example, we’re producing relatively large runs of workpieces, say around 200,000. When cutting these workpieces, there is an inevitable loss of material. Our aim is to minimise the impact of this, whilst guaranteeing productivity and quality. It was during a discussion with Mr Kohler that he suggested the 1.6 mm thick Cut-Line range to us. We immediately tested and adopted it".
Cutting is not just for bar turning! This highly rigid cutting tool obviously permits cutting, but it can also be used for shuttling, with chamfers, for example. "We have been completely satisfied when working with this insert. We feel that Applitec have used their skills to the benefit of the cutting industry in general, not just for bar turning". – Mr Chételat. Applitec is not known for creating this type of tool, but this could change. Pascal Kohler tells us: "Above all, we are solution providers; Our customers contact us because they always want to move forward, whether in terms of profitability, productivity or options. With the Cut-Line, we are offering a range of inserts which will benefit them in all three areas".
Décovi SA Z.I. La Romaine 2 2824 Vicques Tel. +41 32 436 10 60 Fax: +41 32 436 10 69 [email protected]
Applitec Ch. Nicolas-Junker 2 CH-2740 Moutier Tel: +41 (0)32 494 60 20 Fax: +41 (0)32 493 42 60 [email protected]