Arburg will present an application for processing liquid silicone (LSR) on exhibition stand no. 5B04 in Hall 5 at the Medtec Europe to be held in Stuttgart from 21 to 23 April 2015.

An electric Allrounder will produce bellows used as a valve in medical test devices. This application is designed to showcase Arburg’s expertise and demonstrate the potential of the LSR material in medical technology, as well as to demonstrate that the clean room connection to the machine via an encapsulated conveyor belt is a cost-effective production solution.
Liquid silicone “The Medtec Europe is an important meeting point for all the leading companies in the industry. The focus will be on the manufacture of medical technology products. It is the perfect platform for presenting our range of products and services and expertise, as well as maintaining contacts,” says Sven Kitzlinger, who is responsible for application technology consulting in the medical technology sector at Arburg. “We have extensive specialist know-how in the processing of liquid silicone (LSR): Arburg has been developing special injection moulding solutions for processing this liquid material for more than 35 years. The properties of this material make it perfect for medical technology”, explains the expert.
Electric Allrounder for LSR processing Arburg will present an electric Allrounder 470 A with a clamping force of 1,000 kN and a size 170 injection unit specially equipped for processing LSR. The Allrounder is specially equipped for production in a clean environment and features a laminar-flow box, a stainless steel sorter unit and an extended machine conveyor belt with tunnel housing for docking to the clean room. In addition, the light grey colour and raised machine feet ensure easy cleaning.
ARBURG GmbH + Co KG Postfach 1109 72286 Lossburg, Germany

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