The market for medical devices will remain an international growth market in 2009 - despite the financial crisis. This is the all-round consensus of industry experts. The biggest challenge for German medical devices companies will be to develop innovative technologies while simultaneously optimizing their own cost structures. Just how this is to be done can be seen at MEDTEC Europe 2009 in Stuttgart (Germany) on March 3rd through 5th. Now more than ever the trade show is focusing on the topics of innovations and technological trends.
The keyword is innovative capability In addition to the top-class affiliated conference, this trade show will feature a free innovation forum for the first time. The forum’s presentations will focus on topics with a promising future – from orthopedic technology to automation to new applications of microsystem technology and new materials.
Medtec Europe 3 - 5 mars/März/March 2009 Landesmesse Stuttgart (Germany), Messepiazza 10h00 - 17h00 : March 3 and 4 10h00 - 16h00 : March 5