Micronarc organized the Alpine Meeting and guess what? It’s a high-end meeting that just started. First afternoon saw us enjoy the tutorial given by Prof. Ivo W. Rangelow on micro and nano fabrication. A very passionate lecturer to give us a fascinating presentation for a quite difficult topic (for me that is not a scientist). Nevertheless, there are lessons to learn for everyone.

There was 10 people reunited in the nice Eurotel Victoria of Villars-sur-Ollon to start the three days meeting. From tomorrow about 70 people will be here to learn more about MEMs (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and micro manufacturing. Let’s see what are the main messages of the tutorial that can be used by Eurotec’s readers.
Everything is possible Prof. Rangelow gives us the impression that nothing can stop technology… but he’s a scientist with feet firmly set to the ground (and not to the clouds). He says: “You can work on nice ideas, technologies and products, if there is no market, no potential, then it’s dead”. But you also need passionate people to drive these ideas. “Very nice technology” is something I’ve heard a lot today, what a pleasure to attend such a positive meeting!
No illusion “Industry is looking for profit” says Prof. Rangelow, then researchers have a high room for discovering. For instance: green electronics. With a computer at every home, the WW energy consumption has an impact as high as traveling by plane. If we can create computers just 10% less energy consumer… imagine the result.
How to stay on earth We can do everything with MEMs, but the question is if there are customers for that. Obviously this thinking must not hamper researchers… as long as they are connected with earth’s people (I don’t say that they are aliens). This is exactly what Micronarc is doing, connecting people between the two worlds of industry and research.
I am eager to be tomorrow for the next step of the Micronarc Alpine Meeting.
Meanwhile if you need information on how to merge present and future, go to http://www.micronarc.ch/
Cheers py