Trade show

Midest 2013: an excellent vintage

December 2013

Despite a sluggish overall economic situation in France, bad weather in eastern and central France and protests by farmers, Midest which ran for the 43rd time from 19th to 22nd November at the Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, was a real success. At Midest, the french subcontractors were working with passion to share their skills, the alleys were very busy.

Against the background of a crisis that keeps dragging on, the success of an event such as MIDEST reflects a definite improvement in the level of industrial output, the vigour of subcontractors and the motivation of their professional and institutional representatives in bringing them together and promoting their know-how.

On opening it matched the previous year’s show in terms of the number of exhibitors (1702 companies (60% from France) from 38 countries) and exhibition space but it then went on to attract 42101 professionals from all sectors of industry (15% of them were from outside France), which was an increase of 7% on 2012. Not only were the numbers up but the visitors were highly qualified and came with plans for actual business projects. The numerous events and initiatives reached out to a broad public, including, as they did, the show’s focus on energy, the choice of South Africa as country of the year, the special Algerian day, the promotion of mechanical engineering trades to young girls by the FIM (mechanical engineering federation) and the b2fair– Business to Fairs® business meetings.

Africa to the fore and successful events South Africa was the show’s first non-European country of the year. Its presence was coordinated by the DTI (Department of Trade & Industry), which brought together 21 exhibitors from the other side of the globe. There were also lectures, interviews in the show’s TV studio, a special day and the official opening of the 2013 show by Mrs Ncapayi, the Deputy Director General of the DTI. The African continent really was centre stage at the show. A special day was devoted to Algeria, which is currently undergoing rapid industrial development, and large numbers attended a series of lectures devoted to it.

Complete package Alongside Midest, Maintenance Expo presented industrial maintenance products and services and featured a wide range of CAMM packages, aids and diagnostics tools. The synergy with Tolexpo, the international exhibition of equipment for working metal in sheets, reels, tubes and profiles, made it possible for manufacturers to meet their leading partners in one and the same place.

Next year’s Midest and Maintenance expo will take place from 4th to 7th November, save the date!

42,101 professionals came to the show, many with specific plans for projects, and 15% of them were from outside France.


Reed Expositions France 52-54 quai de Dion Bouton CS 80001 92806 PUTEAUX CEDEX Tél. : + 33 (0)1 47 56 21 57 Fax : + 33 (0)1 47 56 21 40 [email protected] .

The show also provided a platform for the presentation of the forthcoming Midest Maroc, the industry event in Morocco, which will take place in Casablanca from 11th to 14th December, and which will be split into six major sectors: subcontracting, machine tools, sheet metal, electronics, plastics and services.



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