
More efficient for its customers

March 2014

Despite an uncertain global economic situation, Ventura Mecanics SA, the specialist for overhaul and retrofit of Escomatic machines, decided to bet on the future by opting for the construction of new premises.

In summer 2014 the company will reach a new level with its new premises.

The new building has been designed rationally and to better serves the company’s customers. Luca and Fabio Ventura, the young and dynamic Directors state: "The global demand for our very specific activity shows a strong potential and our current workshop does not allow us to answer with sufficient effectiveness”. To increase this capacity, a new building of 1200 m2 on an area of 3200 m2 will be operational from July 2014.

To go further The range of machine tools proposed by Ventura Mecanics relies on Escomatic lathes boosted by specialists with, for instance, their Ventura patented spindle (12,000 rpm). Mr. Ventura says: "These new spindles are the result of dialogues with customers who are very demanding in terms of productivity and accuracy". The aim is to meet everyone’s needs and propose innovative solutions.

New perspectives for the future Ventura Mecanics has just developed two new machines that were remarked at the recent Simodec: first, the V6 Flexcam (an evolution of the Escomatic D6 machine) equipped with a servomotor, allowing to vary the speed of the camshaft by segments. Second, the V2 FlexFeed (based on Escomatic D2), equipped with the 12’000 rpm spindle and a numerical axis for material feed instead of hydraulic; which allows machining long workpieces in several straightening.

Ventura Mecanics SA Bürkli nr. 1 CH-2019 Chambrelien / do Tel. + 41 32 855 25 10 Fax + 41 32 855 25 13 [email protected] .


Once overhauled and retrofitted, the Ventura Mecanics machines guarantee customers to gain productivity.


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