The manufacture of die-casting dies or molded part press dies is the domain of extremely resilient hot working steels. These are usually exceedingly hard and place the highest demands on the tools employed. In order for their customers to be able to integrate intricate structures into such materials Zecha Hartmetall-Werkzeug-fabrikation GmbH in Königs-bach-Stein developed a special cutter series. In line with demands, the product range has now been expanded – and is even available in diameters from 0.2 millimeters upwards.

With their specially developed cutting geometry, polished flutes and high performance coating, the Zecha tools are perfectly tailored to HSC milling of hard materials. (Photos: ZECHA GmbH)
Hot working Steels has increasingly developed into a standard application: Hardened tool steels, for example, are required for shaping with increasing regularity and the enormous feed travel and cutting speeds of up to 250 m/min subject the tools employed to high temperatures. In face of these high demands, only tools of the highest possible quality are able to ensure an economical and process-safe production.
Premium cutters for hard surfaces The two tool series 581H and 583H have a lot in common: maximum precision, extreme process safety and long life cycles. Their special two-edged geometry, the selection of the solid carbide as well as the corresponding coating are tailored to the specific chip-producing pattern found in the working of hard materials. For example, fine 3D contours in μm range can be superbly milled even into hardened tool steels of up to HRC 65. The ball nose end mills in the 581H series and the end mills with corner radius in the 583H series are now available in diameters from 0.20 to 8.00 millimeters.
Tight tolerances and the highest precision Zecha tools with a concentricity tolerance of 3μm, a diameter tolerance of 10μm and dimensional accuracy of ± 5μm enable process-safe high speed machining within a manufacturing tolerance of 10μm. Accordingly they are also suitable for finishing; as just the one processing stage already gives the resulting material surfaces a mirror-like finish. Precision and quality of the tools are determined by high dimensional stability and shape retention. Andreas Weck: “And ultra-modern coatings can retain the special geometries and thus enable high life cycles and maximum process capability.”
Precision – measurable and reproducible “Assuming optimum application parameters, our tools can achieve highly precise machining for a very reasonable price. Our experts always provide the customer with the requisite support and can supply recommendations for efficient use. Customers can thus assure a decisive competitive edge – by benefiting from the highest level of performance, quality and life cycles,” resumes Arndt Fielen, Head of Sales at Zecha Hart-metall-Werkzeugfabrikation GmbH.
Further information: ZECHA GmbH Benzstraße 2 75203 Königsbach-Stein Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 72 32 / 30 22-0 Fax: +49 (0) 72 32 / 30 22-25