
Swiss champion of productivity and precision

June 2013

Yesterday Schaublin Machines inaugurated its new building with the presence of Didier Cuche, the Swiss ski champion, authorities, customers from all around the world, agents, partners, employees and Schaublin supporters. Today the celebration continues for the general public and employees.

Scissors to cut the ribbon were brought to earth directly at the door of the new building by a flying team.

The event was the occasion to unveil the new 202 TG turning/grinding machine… and also to celebrate the first machine sold to a Malaysian company (and a few more orders are expected within a few days). M. Muster CEO is very confident regarding this new machine (see the first technical info here).

When precision and willingness to be the first meet If Schaublin invited the Swiss champion it is for good reasons, it is somewhere for the same values that they are fighting: the need to be very accurate and also the absolute necessity to aim to be the best. But that’s not all; they are booth committed for the training of youth and the promotion of the region.

We will come back on this even and machine soon, meanwhile let’s enjoy a few pictures of the event…


In the middle, Didier Cuche just after the ribbon was cut.


Rolf Muster, CEO and delegate of the board and Laurent Luthy, president of the board of directors at the press conference. Both are confident for the Swiss industry and Schaublin Machines.


The new 202 TG was a great hit on the event and sales should follow rapidly. Next occasion to see the machine: EMO.


It was also a Swissness day!


More than 300 people celebrated the nw building and machine and Schaublin’s brand!


Schaublin Machines SA Rue Nomlieutant 1 2735 Bévilard Suisse Tél. +41 32 491 67 00 Fax +41 32 491 67 08

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