Challenges and available resources in the metalworking field are constantly evolving. New application methods and tooling systems are being introduced to optimise and update working practices. Below is a presentation of the new Multidec-Lube device recently unveiled by well-known manufacturer Utilis.

Bar turning specialists are some of the most meticulous technicians and operators in the field of metalworking. Every day they must demonstrate their competence in terms production tools and equipment. Tooling is a much more decisive factor in developing the machining capability of a sliding headstock turning machine than any other type of machine tool.
Speed and precision… under pressure More and more sliding headstock turning machines are equipped with a high-pressure pump delivering up to 150 bar of pressure. High-pressure cooling directly affects swarf management and workpiece cooling, particularly when machining stainless steel or more unusual materials such as titanium or inconel, or simply materials that generate long pieces of swarf. The major obstacle is measuring the efficiency of the cooling and the cutting tools with a view to ensuring optimal performance of the latter. Up to now, the traditional method has been to direct the cooling distribution towards the working axis of the cutting tools for optimal management of the swarf and temperature. This configuration is made using flexible plastic tubes and steel or copper pipes which are usually bent. For the user, this assembly and adjustment is always random, and therefore never precise.

Lubricate wherever necessary… The innovation proposed by Utilis involves equipping static tools with high-pressure integrated cooling. The principle is inspired by the system integrated in the tool holder, thus allowing oil to circulate through the tool. Utilis has developed a clamping system which uses and adapts itself to a clamping wedge. The special wedge is connected to the high-pressure pump. The clamping systems, called Multidec-Lube, are connected to the oil inlet affixed to the wedge. Each cutting tool is therefore lubricated directly in an optimal and stable manner during cutting.
Utilis AG, Precision tools Kreuzlingerstrasse 22 CH-8555 Müllheim Tel. +41 52 762 62 42 Fax: +41 52 762 62 00 [email protected]
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