
Laser deposition welding & milling in a single solution

September 2014

The AMB Stuttgart started yesterday with the halls full of visitors. At the DMG MORI booth (quite crowded too), many novelties. Among them, the new Lasertec 65D hybrid machine. Let’s have a look at it.

The new Lasertec 65 3D - ALL IN 1: Laser Deposition Welding & Milling -additive Manufacturing in Milling quality.

For the first time additive manufacturing is integrated into a high-tech 5-axis milling machine. This innovative hybrid-solution combines the flexibility of the laser metal deposition process with the precision of the cutting process and therewith allows additive manufacturing in milling quality.

10 times faster The process uses the metal deposition by powder nozzle, which is up to 10-times faster than the generation in the powder bed. Up to now additive technologies have been used to generate prototypes and small parts. By combining both, additive manufacturing via powder nozzle and the traditional cutting method in one machine, totally new applications and geometries are possible. Especially large workpieces with high stock removal volumes are now possible to be machined in an economical way.

Opening new possibilities to designers The flexible change between laser and milling operation allows the direct milling machining of sections which are not reachable anymore once the part finished.

Highlights Lasertec 65 3D


To be seen in Stuttgart on the Entrance West, Hall 7, Booth A01



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