
Never say never. Always be innovative!

April 2014

Established in 1953, TDC is a leading manufacturer in Japan with proprietary expertise of precision technologies. TDC has continued to cultivate their markets through upgrading the level of their technology especially in super precise mirror polishing.

Used in the sample return capsule for Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA)Hayabusa2 asteroid probe. Because the purpose of this capsule was for collecting samples from the asteroid only, the finish has to be totally clean, with no material derived from earth inside.

One-of-a-kind nano-technologies for mirror polishing, ultra precise processing and lapping Therefore the super precise mirror polishing has been instrumental. This technology is being used in basic experiments in labs of major firms and universities to keep the test material even when investigating properties specific to a substance such as hardness, intensity, or composition. The company’s stance has been not to deny any request, challenging themselves to process even the most difficult of materials. They have experiences to process tantalum, tantalum, SiC, silicon and sapphire, just to name a few of the examples.

With IT development and strengthening of sales overseas, taking their unique technology to the world The company’s technical innovations have included IT development within the company; they have introduced a system that can grasp the situation of company plants no matter whether you are in Tokyo, Osaka or Miyagi. The original intent of this particular internal tech development was to make production processes efficient, but as a result, they became able to report all production developments to customers as they happen in real time. With this system, they received the "Small Company Management Prizes Judging Committee’s Promotion Award" in 2009, for companies which put superb IT management into practice. It has been useful in information sharing between the company and customers as they work through hard issues.

Also available in Europe As for overseas development, from 2008 the company has participated in exhibitions in North America and Europe. It is responding to orders from various countries like the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Holland, France and Scandinavian countries. Of the eight sales representatives, six are well versed in English. They can do inquiries and deals over the phone and by email without any time lag. Using their own technology, which is to be found nowhere else, the company has continued to provide business solutions in various areas domestically, and now plans to expand its market first to Europe, then the US, and finally to the rest of the world.

TDC Corporation

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